Step-by-Step Guide to Home DNA Collection

Easy DNA Collection Instructions for Accurate Home Testing Results

This guide provides clear instructions for collecting your DNA sample at home using a buccal swab for GameDay DNA tests.

Important Before You Start

  • Wait 30 minutes after eating/drinking

  • Complete all paperwork first

  • Keep sample envelope ready

  • Review kit instructions thoroughly

Illustration of a crossed-out eating and drinking sign, symbolizing the requirement to avoid food, drink, or smoking 30 minutes before DNA sample collection

Preparation (30 Minutes)

To maintain the integrity of the DNA sample, do not eat, drink, or smoke for 30 minutes prior to swabbing. Doing so does not change the DNA or affect the result of the test, but foreign substances on a swab may negatively affect the ability to effectively extract the DNA.

Illustration of a hand holding a swab, demonstrating how to collect a DNA sample by rubbing the inside of the cheek

Swab Collection

Tearing the end of its packaging carefully, remove a cheek swab by the stick, taking care to not let the fabric end touch the table or other surfaces.

Illustration showing a person swabbing the inside of their cheek to collect DNA cells for accurate testing

Cheek Cell Collection

Using a rolling motion, swab the inside of the cheeks on both sides for a full 30 seconds, taking care to avoid the gum areas as much as possible.

Move the swab up and down while still rotating to maximize the collection of cheek cells that contain DNA. Remember, you are not collecting saliva—you are collecting cheek cells. Do not spit on the swabs. Repeat Step 2 with the remaining swabs, alternating cheeks with each swab; be sure to use all of them.

Illustration of a hand holding a swab in the air for 60 seconds, symbolizing the drying process before storing the DNA sample

Drying Process (60 Seconds)

If the swab seems “too wet,” wave it back and forth in the air for 60 seconds. The swab does not need to be completely dry before placing it in the paper sample envelope.

Illustration of a swab being placed into a paper envelope, demonstrating proper storage for DNA sample submission

Proper Storage

Taking care not to touch the fabric end, place the swab directly in the paper sample envelope. Swabs should never be put back in the original plastic packaging or stored in plastic baggies since this can degrade the sample during shipping.

Parent holding two children outdoors, symbolizing the importance of accurate and reliable home DNA testing for family relationships

Tips for Best Results

If you would like a sibling, grandparent, or aunt/uncle DNA test, then we can do that too!

Please call to discuss your case with one of our experienced and helpful case managers.

Frequently Asked Home DNA Testing Questions